Categories: Health and Beauty

Use Olive Oil for Hair

How to Use Olive Oil for Hair?

1. Olive Oil

You will just need olive oil for this method. Since olive oil controls the DHT hormone, it promotes the growth and makes the hair shaft strong so as to prevent falling.

To use olive oil for hair growth, just warm some of the oil, and apply it thoroughly to your scalp and strands. Massage for a few minutes in a circular motion, and cover your head with a wet towel for some time. Remove the towel and wash off the oil with a mild shampoo the next day. Repeat the process at least once a week to avail maximum benefits.

2. Olive Oil Intake

The easiest way to get the minerals and vitamins of this wonderful oil is by consuming it. The olive oil consumption has been reported to treat a number of problems of hair. You can consume the oil in several ways. Mix 1 tbsp of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice in a glass of water and drink it every day.

Alternatively, you can add it as a dressing on your salad.
Or else, eat 1 tbsp of olive oil daily.

3. Olive Oil, Egg White, and Honey

Egg white is packed with essential components that no other single compound can offer. It promotes growth and eventually reduces hair fall. Honey acts as a natural conditioner and makes hair super smooth, silky, and adds luster to them.

Just beat 1 egg white and add 1 tsp both of honey and olive oil to it. Stir until no lumps are left. Now, apply it to your hair working from your roots towards the tips. Let it stay for about 25- 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly afterward.

Or, you can add 1 tbsp of warm coconut oil to the mixture, and let the mask rest for 20-30 minutes.
Alternatively, you can also mix 1 tsp of raw almond oil in egg white and honey.

4. Olive Oil and Cayenne Pepper

It might sound weird to use cayenne pepper on your hair, but it works exceptionally well. It contains capsaicin, which is responsible for its effect and is also recommended in dermatology. Hence, it can treat the problem of dandruff.

Firstly, heat up ½ cup of olive oil and when done, add 1 tsp of cayenne pepper to it. Stir well and make sure that lumps are not formed. Apply the prepared mixture on your head and massage gently. Now, leave it for a minimum of 4 hours or overnight (as desired). Rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo.

Alternatively, mix 1 tsp of the pepper powder with 2 tsp of olive oil. Apply in the same fashion and wash off after 10 minutes.

Note: This method can cause a bit of irritation, but it is totally normal.

5. Egg Yolk and Mustard with Olive Oil

Mustard powder and oil is proven to be effective against dermatophytes, as studies suggest. Egg yolk, on the other hand, takes away the dryness and locks the essential nutrients in your scalp, as they contain the most important vitamin, i.e., biotin or vitamin H.

To prepare this wonderful mixture, combine 2 tbsp of hot water, 2 tbsp of olive oil, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp of cayenne pepper powder, and 1 tsp of mustard powder (or oil) together. Spread this on your head using a hair brush and keep on massaging gently with your fingers. Leave it for about 20 minutes before washing. Repeat it, not more than 3 times a week.

6. Olive Oil with Garlic

This is one of the best methods to solve all the problems related to hair.

Garlic is an antibacterial agent and is filled with several components due to which, it has numerous uses like controlling hair fall and preventing dandruff. The process will improve the blood circulation and thus, aid the process of growth.

Grab 4 to 5 garlic cloves and crush them properly. Now, heat 3 tbsp of olive oil in a pan and add the cloves. Let them change the color slightly and turn off the flame. When it attains a lukewarm temperature, massage it gently on your tresses and scalp for a few minutes. Let it stay for at least an hour so that all the nutrients are absorbed.

Alternatively, you can diffuse 4-5 garlic cloves in a ½ cup of olive oil (preferably extra virgin). Keep it in a jar for 2 weeks so that the properties of the garlic are acquired by the oil. Strain and warm it a little bit before the use.

7. Olive Oil and Banana Mix

Bananas are rich sources of vitamin H or biotin, and hence, it is a wonderful ingredient that helps keep our mane healthy.

For this, you will need 1 banana and 1 avocado. Mash both the fruits to obtain a smooth paste. Add 1-2 tbsp of olive oil to it, and apply the mixture all over your head. Coat each strand and make a bun. Leave the mask for about ½ an hour and wash thoroughly with regular water first and then, with a mild shampoo to get gorgeous and stunning hair.

Avocados in this mask provide vitamin E, K, potassium, etc. To our hair, and thus, this pack is the best for several hair problems.

8. Olive Oil with Other Oils

This oil mixture will promote hair growth, and at the same time, add volume to them by preventing hair loss. Avocado oil is basically used for deep conditioning and rejuvenating the strands. On the other hand, castor oil locks the moisture and prevents the scalp from drying.

All you will need is 1 tbsp each of olive, castor, and avocado oil. Smear the oil in your roots & follicles and then, massage gently for a few minutes.

You can also blend 1 tbsp of castor oil with 4 tbsp of olive oil (preferably extra virgin). Apply it on hair and scalp thoroughly by gently massaging. Leave it for a few hours and wash off thoroughly.

9. Olive Oil with Honey and Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has been used for managing hair loss for decades and is one of the most popular remedies for several diseases, as well.

On the other hand, honey is a natural conditioner, which gives shine and avocados are loaded with vitamins that enhance growth.

So, to get natural, long, and beautiful tresses, mix 2 tbsp of olive oil with 1 pureed avocado, a few drops of lavender oil, and 2 tbsp of honey.

Wear this mask (covering each strand) for about 30 minutes or more and wash off with regular water afterward. You can repeat this 2 or 3 times a week.

10. Coconut and Olive Oil Blend

Coconut oil has lots of compounds that make it the best oil for your scalp. One important element, lauric acid, makes it penetrate inside hair shaft. At the same time, olive oil increases the length and provides strength to the follicles.

Just mix 2 tbsp of coconut oil in 1 tbsp of olive oil, and massage it gently in your roots working towards the ends. Leave it for some time or overnight and rinse off with a mild shampoo. Repeat the procedure every alternate day or thrice a week for the best results.

Note: Do not use this method if you are allergic to coconut oil.

11. Coconut Milk and Olive Oil

Coconut milk, like coconut oil, possesses many qualities, and hence, it imparts multiple benefits. It is enriched with vitamin C, potassium, magnesium.

Firstly, mix 3 tsp of olive oil with ½ a cup of coconut milk. Apply this evenly on your head and cover each and every strand. Wear a shower cap to prevent a mess. You can wear towel dipped in hot water so that the benefits of the mixture are penetrated deeply. Leave it for at least 15 minutes before washing.

12. Mayonnaise with Olive Oil

Not many know that mayonnaise offers loads of benefits and is proven for removing lice effectively. It works by releasing the glue and eventually suffocates the nits.

Mix equal amount of mayonnaise and olive oil according to the length of your hair. Smear the mixture on your scalp, working towards tips and gently massage for some time. Leave it for a minimum of 2 hours and rinse well later on.

13. Tea Tree Oil and Olive Oil

Tea tree oil has countless benefits. Studies have proved that it helps kill lice and is equally effective in removing dandruff, as well. It also clears the dead skin cells, which eventually unblocks the follicles.

Combine 3 tsp of olive oil and 8-10 drops of warm tea tree oil together, and apply it all over your head. Massage for a few minutes using your fingertips. Wrap a warm and wet towel over your head and leave it for about 10 minutes. Let the oil stay for a few hours or overnight and rinse well with a mild shampoo. Do this at least twice a week for visible results.

14. Olive Oil with Castor and Lemon Oil

Castor oil is one of the richest sources of ricinoleic acid that nourishes hair and prevents drying. It also helps increase the volume of our tresses.

Combine 1 tbsp of warm olive oil and ½ tbsp of warm castor oil. Add 3-4 drops of lemon essential oil to it, and apply the prepared mixture on your strands and scalp. Comb your hair gently so that the mixture is spread evenly and leave it overnight.

The next day, apply some lemon juice to your hair and massage for a couple of minutes. Use any of your shampoo for washing. Repeat this at least once a week to get fuller mane.

15. Olive Oil, Egg, and Yogurt

Yogurt is filled with more than 30 nutrients like vitamin A, E, K, iron, potassium, etc., and therefore, it provides all the required food for our scalp.

For this, you will need 1 egg (egg white if oily hair), 3 tbsp of yogurt (or Greek yogurt), and 2 tsp of olive oil. Mix the ingredients together and apply the prepared mixture on your head. Tie your hair properly and make a bun after that. Let the mask dry out completely and wash off. Repeat it at least once a week for the best effects.

Alternatively, mix 1 tsp of olive oil in 1 cup of yogurt, and apply it all over your hair. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse well.

Note: Use lukewarm water to remove the mask easily and completely.

16. Olive Oil, Honey, and Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a traditional remedy for many ailments of the body like asthma and diabetes and is used in many skin creams, as well. It is also a proven remedy for managing hair loss.

The mask is packed with a lot of beneficial ingredients that help remove roughness from the scalp and keep the follicles silky.

Make a pack with 2 tsp of aloe gel, 2 tsp of olive oil, 1 tsp of honey, ¼ tsp of egg yolk (optional), and 1 oz of warm water. Leave the pack for 30 minutes after application. You can repeat the procedure, but not more than 3 times a week.

17. Green Tea with Olive Oil

Green tea is packed with a lot of compounds that are beneficial not only for skin but also for tresses. It helps clear the buildup of dirt and flakes on the scalp and thus, promotes hair health.

Firstly, dip 2 green tea bags in a cup of water. Boil the water for 5- 10 minutes.

Now, add a ¼ cup of olive oil (preferably extra virgin) and stir well. Use a spray bottle to apply it on your strands. Leave it on for the whole day or remove after a few hours.

18. Olive Oil and Egg with Onion Juice

Onion possesses antioxidant qualities and is used to cure the problem of alopecia areata. It is also a traditional ingredient that is used for hair growth.

First of all, prepare a fine and smooth paste of 1 onion. Now add 2 tbsp of olive oil and 1 egg to it. Spread the mixture evenly on your roots with a brush and also on your tresses. Make a bun and wear a shower cap. Use a mild shampoo after 1 hour to remove it.

19. Fenugreek Seed and Olive Oil

Fenugreek seeds have been used since long for several hair problems. It makes them strong and prevents damage caused due to the use of chemicals or dirt and pollution. It is also used for baldness treatment, as studies show.

To make a wonderful hair fall rescue mixture, finely grind 2 tbsp of fenugreek seeds. Add the powder to a ½ cup of olive oil, and put it on the flame. When the mixture is warm, turn off the heat and fill the content in a glass jar.

Keep it as it is for 2 weeks and strain the mixture after that. Use the oil to massage your hair regularly.

Apart from that, you can also use the fenugreek mask to aid the process. For this, take ½ cup of the seeds and soak them in water for 8-10 hours or overnight. When they become soft, grind them and for 2 tbsp of the paste, mix 1 tbsp of olive oil. Smear it all over your scalp, working towards your length. Rinse well after 15 minutes or more.
Alternatively, you can add some yogurt to the mask for better results.

20. Olive Oil and Cumin

It is one of the best remedies for unhealthy tresses, as cumin seeds replenish the hair shafts and make them naturally healthy and problem-free. These seeds are basically used for food preparations and have many medicinal uses, as well.

Cumin seeds have vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper growth and replenishment of hair.

Just soak 1-2 tbsp of cumin seeds in 2-4 tbsp of olive oil. Leave it for 8-10 hours and strain the mixture. Apply it to your hair and massage it gently for 5 minutes. Leave it for another couple of minutes and use a mild shampoo for washing.

21. Olive Oil and Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is loaded with rich components that prevent the damage and helps increase the length. It is also a good moisturizer, and thus, it nourishes the scalp from deep within. The oil also improves the appearance and texture of hair.

For the oil, take 2-3 capsules of vitamin E and extract the oil. Add it to 2 tbsp of lukewarm olive oil, and apply it to your scalp. Wash off after a few hours, and apply a chemical-free serum to make them tangle-free and frizz-free.

22. Olive and Lemon Oil with Cedar Oil and Sage

It is a bit unknown fact that cedar oil is one of the most efficient oils that enhance hair growth. A study demonstrated that there was an improvement in hair strength of the people who used cedar oil.Lemon oil prevents and cures dandruff to a greater extent.

Therefore, to prepare this anti-dandruff and anti hair fall mixture, all you will need is 2 tbsp of olive oil, 3 drops of cedar oil, 2 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of rosemary oil, and 2 drops of clary sage oil. Massage with the oil for 5 minutes, and let the scalp absorb the nutrients of the mixture. Let it stay for a couple of hours and rinse well later on.

23. Olive Oil, Rosemary Oil with Peppermint and Sage Oil

Every oil in this mixture has its own benefit and possesses different qualities. Rosemary, on one hand, treats the androgenetic alopecia (AGA). The oil also improves the hair growth.

While peppermint oil, on another hand, imparts a cooling sensation and relieves a headache. The oil of peppermint also solves the problem of lice in children and promotes hair growth without causing any side effects like toxicity.

Just mix a few drops each of rosemary oil, peppermint oil, and sage oil. Add 1 tbsp of olive oil to it, and use the mixture to nourish and replenish your scalp and strands. Massage with the prepared mix for some time and leave it for 2-3 hours or the whole night. Rinse well with a mild shampoo after it.

24. Rosemary and Olive Oil Mask

This mask is primarily used for having long and beautiful hair, as rosemary oil makes your strands grow faster as proven in clinical trials. On the other hand, olive oil has a variety of benefits along with hair growth.

So, to make this mask, steep a handful of rosemary leaves (preferably ground) in olive oil for 5 minutes, and apply it evenly on your head by massaging gently. Leave it on for 20-25 minutes and wash off. You can do it up to 2 times a week for satisfactory results.

25. Olive Oil, Eucalyptus, and Lavender Oil

Eucalyptus oil has lots of medicinal properties and countless uses as a painkiller, mouthwash, wound & scar healer, etc. It also eliminates the nits and lice totally from the head.

Take quarter a cup of olive oil and add 25 drops each of eucalyptus and lavender oil to it. Apply it on your hair and roots thoroughly. Leave it on for a minimum of 1-2 hours (or more, as desired) and clear it off with your favorite shampoo. Apply any homemade conditioner to lock the moisture.

Alternatively, club equal amount of olive, castor, and lavender oil, and apply it in the same manner.

26. Olive Oil Conditioner

Cucumber, in this pack, provides anti-inflammatory effect and is also an amazing antioxidant.

Blend together 4 tbsp of olive oil, 1/4th cucumber, and 1 egg. Form a smooth paste and spread it evenly in your roots and tresses. Make a bun and cover with a shower cap. Let it dry for 25-30 minutes before washing.

27. Conditioner with Lemon and Olive Oil

Combine 1 egg (beaten), 1 tbsp of olive oil, and juice of ½ a lemon. Stir them well to obtain a lump-free paste. Coat your follicles and scalp with the mixture and tie them at the back. Let it dry for at least 20 minutes before rinsing.

Lemon will eliminate the itchiness and dry skin while olive oil will deeply moisturize it.


  • You can also mix lavender oil to get rid of the problem of dandruff.
  • Adjust the quantity of olive oil (from 1 tbsp to ½ cup) according to the length of your hair.
  • Olive Oil with Hibiscus Leaves and Castor Oil

Hibiscus petals not only provide essential nutrients to hair but are also a natural colorant for the gray hair.Their extract has also been proven for promoting growth.

This is one of the best remedies with olive oil for hair loss. Mix some hibiscus petals in 1 tbsp each of castor and olive oil. Heat the oil, so that the properties of hibiscus petals are diffused in the mixture. Apply it throughout your tresses, and give your head a deep massage for 10 minutes. Leave it for the whole night or at least 1 hour before washing.

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